MOCA Connections—Day

Find connection with other ovarian cancer survivors, loved ones and caregivers! Join us for our monthly MOCA Connections—Day meeting from 10-11:30 a.m. MOCA Connections meetings are open to women and families across Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. The format of this meeting (virtual or in-person) will be determined at a later date. For additional information, […]

MOCA Walking Group

Caribou inside Lunds and Byerlys-Highland Bridge Development  2170 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN, United States

Group will walk to Highland Bridge Development. In November, MOCA is hosting one Walking Group. Meet us at Caribou Coffee inside Lunds and Byerlys on Ford Parkway in St. Paul. Grab a coffee or tea if you’d like, then walk with us! Survivors, loved ones and caregivers of all ages are welcome to join us. […]

MOCA Connections—Night

Find connection with other ovarian cancer survivors, loved ones and caregivers! Join us for our monthly MOCA Connections—Night meeting from 6-7:30 p.m. MOCA Connections meetings are open to women and families across Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. The format of this meeting (virtual or in-person) will be determined at a later date. For meeting links […]