For Researchers
Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance
National Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer Research Awards
2024 Request for Proposals
The Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA) will award multiple grants in November 2024 to support research on the early detection of ovarian cancer.
Research proposals may be for individual projects or part of a larger research project related to the prevention or early detection of ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer. Awards are open to U.S.-based researchers outside of Minnesota. Project funding is available for one year of activity. Grant requests must be in the amount of $50,000 or $100,000.
Evaluation of proposed projects will be made by national experts in early detection research and at large MOCA members. Recommendations will be voted on by the MOCA Board of Directors.
September 2, 2024: Deadline for submission. All proposals must be received by the MOCA office by 4:00pm on this date.
October 25, 2024: Notification of action by MOCA.
November 2024: Public announcement of awardees during MOCA Awards Night – Tuesday, November 12, 2024, Wilder Foundation (451 Lexington Parkway N., St. Paul, MN 55104).
Application Requirements
Proposals must be paginated and include the following:
1. Cover letter should include the grant title, the PI’s name, and direct contact information.
2. Abstract of proposed research, including rationale of the study (you do not need to include an explanation of why ovarian cancer is worthy of being studied or basic statistics on ovarian cancer as these are very familiar to all our reviewers), significance of research, an explanation as to why this is innovative (if it is), aims, and a brief overview of research design and methods.
3. Summary of proposed research (one paragraph), which describes the proposed research in terms an educated layperson would understand and describes the significance of the research to the patient population.
4. Research proposal, not to exceed 6 pages. Additional supporting information may be provided in addendum form if deemed essential.
- If submitting a continuation of a project previously funded by MOCA, include a summary of the progress toward previous aims and how this proposal differs.
5. Budget should include the category of expense and include a rationale for each budget item. MOCA funds can be used for PI salary, conference travel, and publication costs as deemed necessary by PI. Salary costs should be detailed. MOCA funds cannot be used for indirect costs.
6. Information about PI, including:
- Biographical statement of personal career goals of PI (one page).
- Contact information, including direct phone number and email address.
- Curriculum vitae (resume), including education, honors, professional experience, publications, grants. Biographical sketch format is acceptable.
7. Letter of recommendation from the relevant person overseeing the institution, department, or lab where the research will be conducted.
8. Project timeline detailing the expected chronological progress of research aims.
9. Review of similar studies, including similar studies underway or pending, which might influence subject accrual or funding.
Electronic proposals must be submitted as one PDF document and received by the MOCA office by 4 p.m. CT on September 2, 2024. Direct your electronic submission to Kate Rodriguez at Successful submissions will receive a confirmation email.