
Survivors Teaching Students ®

We educate the health care community about the subtle symptoms of ovarian cancer to help increase early diagnosis and ensure patients receive proper care.

“This presentation has changed the way I approach sometimes vague symptoms in patients—and taught me not to dismiss these concerns.” —Student, College of St. Scholastica, Duluth

Survivors’ stories leave a lasting impact on future health care providers. It’s eye-opening, real-world education that goes beyond textbooks.

Through the Survivors Teaching Students® (STS) program, in partnership with OCRA, MOCA educates future health care professionals in medical schools, nurse practitioners’ and physician assistants’ graduate programs about the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer. MOCA volunteers engage with students virtually and in-person at schools across the state, including the University of Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, the College of St. Scholastica, Minnesota State University-Mankato, St. Catherine University, Bethel University and Winona State University.

The goal of the STS program is to increase the number of health care providers who recognize ovarian cancer symptoms and refer those suspected of ovarian cancer to gynecologic oncologists for diagnosis and treatment.

It is MOCA’s goal to include the STS program in all medical, nurse practitioners’ and physician assistants’ graduate curriculums in Minnesota.

Connect with us

Are you a survivor interested in volunteering for STS? Would you like to learn how to bring the program to your college or university?

Please contact MOCA’s Community Support Program Manager Stefanie Gliniany at or 612-584-3550.

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